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Since it was established in 1926, the Friendship Fund has been a tangible demonstration of the love and concern we feel for one another. It is based on a beautiful, timeless idea—sisters reaching out to sisters. The Friendship Fund provides gifts to Thetas experiencing extreme financial hardship due to serious or terminal illness, job loss, natural disaster, and other devastating occurrences. One very important aspect of the Fund is the secrecy surrounding the giving of gifts. Two members write on the behalf of a sister, and the Friendship Fund committee determines the award amount. The requesters remain anonymous, and all records are confidential.


Through the Friendship Fund, we reaffirm our belief that Kappa Alpha Theta is larger than ourselves and that what we give to one another comes full circle.

Traditionally, contributions to the Friendship Fund are made through Founders Day gifts, but donations are welcome at any time during the year. The suggested contribution is $1 for each year of membership. Please send a check written to "Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity" to:


Kappa Alpha Theta

8740 Founders Rd.

Indianapolis, IN 46268

attn.: Friendship Fund


Note that donations are not tax-deductible.


Contact Theta headquarters (800-526-1870 x140) if you have questions or need more information.

For more information, please visit:     Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity     Theta Foundation

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