Service Projects
Service is an essential ideal to all members of Kappa Alpha Theta and has been since our founding in 1870. In honor of one of our founders, Bettie Locke Hamilton, Thetas all over the country participate in the Day of Service on Bettie’s birthday, October 19. On this day, our sisters participate in multiple service activities in the area, such as volunteering at food kitchens and writing letters to soldiers that are overseas. The Day of Service is the perfect way to help those in need and give back to others while getting to spend time and bond with our sisters.
Although Day of Service is very important to our chapter, we participate in service projects year round. Our sisters are involved in a wide range of service activities from organizations in their major, like tutoring, to events near campus, like Relay for Life, to other Greek organizations that focus on service to mission trips around the world. The diversity of activities, hobbies, academics, and personalities in our chapter is part of what makes being a sister of Kappa Alpha Theta such a rewarding experience.
Here are a few of the service projects that we have participated in the past.
Whale of a Sale
In Fall 2014, as a part of our National Day of Service, some of our sisters volunteered with a local chapter of the Junior League. Sisters helped sort and organize items that were donated for the organization’s giant annual garage sale. We had a great time helping out and giving back to our community, and some sisters returned to New Castle the day of the sale to shop and participate in raffles.
Sunday Breakfast Mission
On our National Day of Service in Fall 2016, our sisters helped out at a church that provided meals to those in need. Sisters helped prepare salad, rice, grilled cheese, and other items of food. We divided up into groups – one group gave out meals to women and children and the other group gave out meals to men. In addition to preparing food, sisters helped clean up from the day. We wrapped up meals for those who were at church and couldn’t eat while we were serving. As sisters of Kappa Alpha Theta, we are always happy when we can give back to our community.
Forgotten Soldiers Outreach
Many of our sisters in previous semesters were involved with the Forgotten Soldiers Outreach. Sisters wrote letters to the men and women who are deployed overseas to keep morale up, encourage them, and put a smile on their face. It was very rewarding to write to those who are protecting us and putting their life on the line for our country. If you would like to write your own letter, please click here.
For more information, please visit: Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity Theta Foundation